2024 Multiple Acumen Updates Workshop

Thursday 16 May 2024 at 8:00am

Home/ Events/ 2024 Multiple Acumen Updates Workshop
Thursday 16 May 2024 at 8:00am

Location: The Digital Greenhouse


At this event, we will be showcasing the following:  

Soft Mandatory 

Soft Mandatory provides businesses with the ability to customise fields in Acumen which they need their users to populate. The feature will give warnings to users before they close a screen that fields need completing, and if they aren’t completed within a given timeframe, the site can change the field(s) to mandatory. This feature aims to provide businesses with the tools to enhance data quality and reduce data gaps. 

Enhancement to Contact Diligence 

Vega are making some enhancements to the contact diligence screen + dashboard. We would like to demo the changes, but also ask users for feedback + suggestions for any other functionality that would ease the administration burden of this topic. 

Changes to the Wizard Screens 

We have been experimenting with the visual appearance of the Wizard Screens. We would like to show you what we have done so far to see if users like the 'new' look. 

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