
A question based review module for managing client risk, internal procedures and processes.

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AcuReview is a desktop application for reviewing client structures, individuals, family groups and assets. It provides a question-based client and contact review solution to aid in managing risk, internal procedures and processes.

Used by

  • Trust & Corporate Service providers (TCSPs), family offices, law firms administering trusts, intermediaries, fund and pension administrators and private banks.

  • Performing periodic entity and contact reviews and establishing and managing risk ratings are key parts of the KYC compliance process. AcuReview provides a flexible and efficient solution for running periodic question-based reviews and managing follow up points.

  • The easy to use interface keeps your reviews and action points in one place, allowing dynamic progress dashboarding for monitoring and reporting, and management overview. All reports and grid views are exportable to an Excel style format.


  • Enhances and automates risk management.

  • Can be integrated with core administration systems other than Acumen.

  • Allows regular, periodic or ad hoc reviews of clients, individuals, or assets.

  • Build your own question based templates.

  • Built in Dashboard allowing ease of audit, tracking and reporting.

Key features


We provide full training on all our solutions either remotely or on-site.

Support & Updates

We have a responsive, in-house support team who consistently deliver the highest levels of customer satisfaction. The software is updated regularly with new releases made through the system portal


AcuReview can be used as a standalone solution or as part of our Acumen products.


Central controls can grant or restrict user access to ensure sensitive data is protected.

Custom Options

Templates and definable review and risk worksheet questions provide the flexibility to tailor AcuReview to your needs but additional bespoke development is available if required.

Some of our clients

Cutting-edge solutions for global industry leaders