
A secure technology platform that facilitates effective client data management enabling the collection of client data from a range of sources so it can be aggregated and utilised.

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DigiHub is an innovative, cloud-based secure portal for the digital enablement of client servicing and team functions. It acts as a powerful connector between core data sources and external clients to ensure businesses can effectively collect, manage and capitalise on client data.

DigiHub allows automation of complex admin tasks, provides for secure messaging and streamlines client interactions including onboarding and KYC remediation.

Used by

  • Trust & Company Administrators.

  • Corporate Service Providers.

  • Fund Administrators.

  • Employee and Employment Scheme Administrators.

  • Pension Administrators.

  • Private Wealth firms.

  • HR Departments.

DigiHub provides

DigiHub can digitally manage data through every point in the client lifecycle. From initial onboarding through to maintenance, growth and ongoing due diligence, DigiHub has a multitude of use cases from onboarding and re-boarding to compliance, KYC PKYC and marketing.

  • Onboarding.

  • Trust & Company re-boarding.

  • Client dashboards.

  • Bespoke online questionnaire builder.

  • Due diligence.

  • Annual declarations.

  • Mass email.

  • FATCA / CRS - tax declaration / revalidation.

Key features


We provide full training on all our solutions either remotely or on-site.

Support & Updates

Vega will work with you to define and document the client data required. We can then map out how DigiHub will access your various data streams to collect analyse and organize the data in a consistent and standard format which is then stored in your core data management system ready to be retrieved and utilised.


DigiHub can integrate with virtually any system and software that can use API to connect.


Hosted in the cloud on Azure which is acknowledged as being a highly secure platform and widely trusted by the business community. The data will be in Azure SQL Server alongside Exchange, SharePoint and your other Office applications.

Built-in AI and high availability maintain peak performance and durability with an SLA of up to 99.995 percent. Availability and failover options are configurable within Azure.

Layers of protection, built-in controls, and intelligent threat detection helps keep your data secure.

Custom Options

DigiHub is based on a suite of ready-made modules and configurable client centric solutions available, all of which can be adapted to your specific needs.

Some of our clients

Cutting-edge solutions for global industry leaders